Multiple warehouse creation from the back-end.
The admin can assign a source to the warehouse.
Products of the source are automatically assigned to the warehouse.
The admin can also create a warehouse structure (number of rows, columns, Shelves Per Cluster and racks per Shelves).
Multiple positions of a single product in the warehouse.
Multiple staff for the warehouse can be created by the admin.
The agents can download the app from the Google Play Store or apple store.
Warehouse selection for assigning the order.
The admin can also assign the ordered products to the staff in the warehouse.
The staff receives a push notification every time an order is assigned.
Agents can see the assigned orders under the order list in the WMS app.
Agents can see the position of the assigned ordered products.
The barcode of the tote can be generated by the admin from the back end.
The admin can print the barcodes of the products.
The admin can choose the attribute for product barcode creation.
The staff can scan the barcode of the product to add to the tote.
Verification of the tote is also can be done by the staff.